Fair Ballot Alliance NJ
Fighting for a FAIR ballot for NJ voters
Are you one of the 65% of NJ Voters who oppose
giving one candidate preferential placement on the ballot?
Help us do something about it!
Many voters in New Jersey do not know that we are the only state in the country to use a confusing, undemocratic form of ballot design called “the County Line.”1 New Jersey party insiders use it to design ballots that give their chosen candidates for U.S. House and Senate an average 38 percentage point advantage by grouping them together in a preferred column or row on the ballot.2
Fair Ballot Alliance New Jersey asked all U.S. Senate candidates to support a fair “office bloc” ballot for the 2024 U.S. Senate Primary. Three of four Democratic Senate candidates have agreed & one of three Republican Senate candidates has agreed.
1 Rubin, Julia Sass (2020, June 29) "Toeing the Line: New Jersey Primary Ballots Enable Party Insiders to Pick Winners," New Jersey Policy Perspective. https://www.njpp.org/publications/report/toeing-the-line-new-jersey-primary-ballots-enable-party-insiders-to-pick-winners/
2 Rubin, Julia Sass (2023) "The Impact of New Jersey’s County Line Primary Ballots on Election Outcomes, Politics, and Policy," Seton Hall Journal of Legislation and Public Policy: Vol. 48: Iss. 1, Article 3. Available at: https://scholarship.shu.edu/shlj/vol48/iss1/3. All bullet points marked by red X's are also from this source.
Fair Ballot Alliance New Jersey is a statewide coalition of grassroots groups calling for a fair primary election for the U.S. Senate election in 2024 and, ultimately, the adoption of a FAIR “office bloc” ballot design for all elections in New Jersey.
Email: fairballotalliancenj@gmail.com
Link Tree: https://linktr.ee/fairballotnj